Mail, Fax
or Phone
You will need to download a PDF form to mail or fax to SRCF
Online through
PayPal Giving Fund
You will be directed to a secure online site hosted by
Online through
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Other Ways
to Donate
Blue Envelope, Memorial Donation, Securities Transfer and Fund Raising
The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation has been funding medical research into the puzzles of the mind (e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease) since 1964. The Foundation donates approximately $480,000 annually to medical researchers in universities across Canada. In addition, the Foundation assists local Valleys (chapters) who wish to start Learning Centres for Children with Dyslexia. These Centres provide free tutoring for children to help them overcome their reading difficulties.
Funding of the Centres and medical research is provided from the investment income on an endowment built by, and supported by Masons and non-Masons. The endowment fund is carefully managed and funds are distributed after thorough research. But the simple fact is that requests for funding far outstrip the growth in fund income.
If you are able to support the work of the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation, please use one of these options:
1. MAIL OR FAX: If you would like to make a donation by mail or fax, please complete this printable form and return with payment
The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation
4 Queen Street South
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3R3
Fax: 905-522-3716
Please note you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the form.
2. PHONE: Call the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Office at 905-522-0033 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST) and have your Visa or MasterCard information ready.
Click here to donate online through You will be directed to a secure online site hosted by (third party donation). If you wish to donate to a specific project or other Foundation initiative, please enter that information in the comments box on the donation page.
Click here to donate online through PayPal Giving Fund. You will be directed to The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada PayPal page.
1. Blue Envelope: Use your “blue envelope” that you periodically get in the mail or obtain one from your Valley Secretary. Fill it out accordingly and mail it.
2. Estate Planning: Include the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation in the planning of your Estate by: including the Foundation in your Will; naming the Foundation as a beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy; gifting assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds or term deposits; or willing residual funds from a RRIF to the Foundation. Click here for the brochure. The form to donate can be obtained here.
3. Memorial Donation: If you wish to make a donation in the name or memory of someone, you can do so by calling the office at 905-522-0033, or fill out the memorial section of the attached “Printable Form” or of a “Blue Envelope”.
4. Securities Transfer – A Win/Win Donation – Did you know that you are able to make a gift to the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation by transferring Securities? This way you would avoid paying capital gains on the Security (stock) being transferred, the SRCF would receive the full value of the stock being transferred, and you would receive a donation receipt for tax purposes for the full value of the stock on the day it is being transferred.
This is a very simple process. Simply call the SRCF office (905-522-0033) for the proper form and they will guide you through the process or start by downloading the form by clicking here.
5. Fund Raising: Participate in fundraising events for the Foundation.
- You do not need to be a member of the Scottish Rite or be a Mason to make a donation to the Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation. Anyone can make a donation using one of the options listed above.
- Income Tax receipts will be issued for donations to the Foundation.
- “One time” or specified “monthly” donations can be made using your Visa or Master Card. See the Printable Form, Blue Envelope or Donation Card.

Anyone who, over a period but not exceeding five years, makes contributions that total at least $500, is designated a Fellow of The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada and is entitled to receive and wear a pin crafted in the shape of the Foundation Logo.