Previously Awarded Grants and Studentships

Grantees and Graduate Student Awards listed by year

2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017



Dr. Andrea Bernascone
McGill University, Montreal
Detection of focal cortical dysplasia in intractable partial epilepsy using advanced MRI techniques 
Dr. Jessica Brian
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
A study of inhibitory impairments in autism
Dr. Francis Choy
University of Victoria
A conditional knockout model for therapeutic studies of Gaucher Disease
Dr. Christopher Shaw
University of British Columbia
Neuroprotective effects of estrogen and apolipoprotein in a murine model of neurodegenerative disease

Graduate Student Awards

Mr. Brett Abrahams
University of British Columbia
Dr. Elizabeth Simpson
Novel mice transgenic for human nuclear receptor 2E1
Ms. Fanny Bonin
University of Ottawa
Dr. Steffany Bennett
Molecular mechanisms of LIS1 signalling
Ms. Tessa Campbell
University of Victoria
Dr. Francis Choy
In-vivo trafficking of Glucocerbrosidase-GFP chimerae
Ms. Dalia Gotlieb-Tanaka
University of British Columbia
Dr. Jeff SmallCreativity and Dementia
Ms. Kimberly McIvor
Dalhousie University
Dr. Patricia Cleave
Assessing categorical perception of stop consonants in children using Event-Related Brain Potentials
Ms. Karin Steiner-Bell
Queen’s University
Dr. Nancy Hutchinson
Theory of mind in lived experiences of friendship: instrumental case studies from a social network perspective
Mr. Kyle Whitfield
University of Waterloo
Dr. Susan Wismer
Enhancing organizational capacity for participatory health planning with rural individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and their care partners



Dr. Patrick Cossette
University of Montreal
Searching for genes predisposing to idiopathic generalized epilepsies
Dr. Richard Dyck
University of Calgary
The role of zinc in the etiopathology of Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Nicolaas Verhoeff
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto
Beta Amyloid PET imaging in vivo for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Graduate Student Awards

Mr. Alan Castel
University of Toronto
Dr. Fergus Craik
An investigation of the effects of aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) on memory mechanisms and utilization of memory strategies
Ms. Teena Chase
Dalhousie University
Dr. Michael Wilkinson
Effects of psychostimulants in the developing rodent brain: implications for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Mr. Patrick Malifant
Queen’s University
Dr. Jeanette Holden
Identification and characterization of small chromosome duplications and deletions associated with autism
Mr. Thomas Rhee
York University
Dr. James Bebko
Examining underlying cognitive factors in memory strategy use in children with autism and developmental disabilities



Dr. Isabel AubertSunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, Toronto Ontario
The impact of amyloid-beta and hyperphosphorylated tau on cholinergic neurons and cognitive function
Dr. Margaret FahnestockMcMaster UniversityHamilton, Ontario
Neurotrophic factor deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. D. William MolloySt. Peter’s HospitalHamilton, Ontario
A database of 2,000 Alzheimer’s patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders
Dr. Jane RylettRobarts Research InstituteLondon, Ontario
Interplay between insulin and amyloid peptides on neuron function
Dr. Albert WongCentre for Mental Health and AddictionToronto, Ontario
Immunological mechanisms affecting cortical neurodevelopment

Graduate Student Awards

Mr. Diego Garzon
McMaster Health Science Centre
Dr. Margaret Fahnestock
Establishing the link: Alzheimer’s disease factors and its effects on transcription of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in humans
Ms. Lana Depatie
McGill University
Dr. Gillian O’Driscoll
Executive function deficits in subtypes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: developmental delay or developmental arrest?
Ms. Christine Valiquette
Université de Montréal
Dr. Ann Sutton
Analyse de la pratique et des besions des acteurs pour l’utilisation d’aides a la communication en déficience intellectuelle
Mr. Brennan Eadie
University of British Columbia
Dr. Brian Christie
Attenuating intellectual impairment in Fragile-X Syndrome by enhancing neuroplascticity
Ms. Joyce Clouston Carson
Wilfred Laurier University
Dr. Eli Teram
A qualitative study assessing the needs of developmentally disabled Aboriginal children and their families



Dr. Lionel Carmant
Sainte-Justine Hospital
Montreal, Quebec
Consequences of prolonged febrile seizures in the developing brain.
Dr. Brian Christie
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
Fragile-X Syndrome: Effects of Fmr1 deletion on hippocampal structure and function.
Dr. Howard Mount
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Functional, bioenergetic and mitochondrial measures of cholinesterase action in mouse models of dementia
Dr. Michael Strong
Robarts Research Institute
London, Ontario
The role of microglia in the generation of microtubule associated protein tau hyperphosphorylation in frontotemporal lobar dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Graduate Student Awards

Ms. Pearl Behl
Sunnybrook and Women’s College
Dr. Sandra Black
Examination of the Longitudinal Effects of Cholinergic Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease
Mr. Jason Belkas
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Jose Luis Perez-Velazquez
Are executive dysfunctions in autism reflected in altered coordination dynamics of brain activity?
Ms. Daniella Fenili
University of Toronto
Dr. Joanne McLaurin
Characterization of Inositol Transporters as a Method for Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System
Ms. Amy Deroches
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Marc Joanisse
Understanding the Causes of Dyslexia: An Investigation of the Time Course of Phonological Processing.
Ms. Nancy Salmon
Dalhousie University
Dr. Dr. Brenda Beagan
A place to belong: Enablers and constraints to friendship in adolescents with disabilities.
Ms. Christine Valiquette
Université de Montréal
Dr. Ann Sutton
Analyse de la pratique et des besions des acteurs pour l’utilisation d’aides a la communication en déficience intellectuelle



Dr. Benedict Albensi
St. Boniface Research Centre/University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The role of sAAP and NF-kB in Alzheimer’s disease
Dr. Guy Doucet
Universitie of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec
Serotonergic axon guidance in developing forebrain and midbrain: roles of ephrin-As and EphA receptors
Dr. Marc Joanisse
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario
How does remediation change the brain? Multimodal imaging of children with dyslexia
Dr. David Vocadlo
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia
O-Glycosylation protects tau protein from hpyerphosporylation in Alzheimer’s and related frontotemporal diseases

Graduate Student Awards

Mr. David Gerritsma
McMaster University
Dr. Alfredo Capretta
Novel Compounds and Screening Technologies for Rapid Evaluation of GSK-3 Inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease.
Ms. Grace Lee
University of British Columbia
Dr. Christopher Shaw
Neurobiological Basis of Cycad Tocisicy in a Mouse Model of ALS-PDC
Ms. Erin Robertson
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Marc Joanisse
Speech Perception Deficits in Children with Dyslexia and Specific Language Impariment: Event-Related potentials and the Mismatch Negativity Paradigm.
Ms. Roxana Vernescu
Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland
Dr. Mary Courage
Attention Process Training in Young Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Ms. Karen VandeKamp
University of British Columbia
Dr. Shelley Hymel
Secondary Special Education Student’s Perceptions of School Safety and Social Responsibility.
Ms. Alison Burgess – (Award Declined)
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – University of Toronto
Dr. Isabelle Aubert
Novel Regulation of Cholinergic Function by Polysialic Acid.



Dr. Alasdair Barr
Dr. William Honer
University of British Columbia
Vancouver British Columbia
Relevance of complexin proteins to cognitive function in aging and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Dr. Karl Fernandes
Université de Montreal
Montreal, Quebec
Regulation of the subventrical zone stem cell niche in transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Dr. Marie Kmita
Dr. Martin Houle
Montreal, Quebec
Validation of Hoxb4 and Hoxd4 as candidate genes for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dr. Margaret McKinnon
Dr. Glenda MacQueen
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Hamilton, Ontario
Autobiographical memory for emotionally valenced events in bipolar disorder

Graduate Student Awards

Ms. Danielle Dyke
University of Calgary
Dr. Vicki Schwean
Specificity in Executive Functions in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ms. Jodie Gawryluk
Dalhousie University
Dr. Ryan D’Arcy
A multimodal approach to surgical planning in temporal lobe epilepsy
Mr. Daminda Hewapathirane
University of British Columbia
Dr. Kurt Haas
Investigating the effects of neonatal seizures on brain development using a novel experimental model system -implications for cognitive, learning and memory dysfunction in epilepsy.
Mr. Kieran Ritchie
The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Nathalie Bérubé
Mitotic regulation by the chromatin remodeling protein, ATRX
Ms. Charlene Supnet
University of Prince Edward Island
Dr. Michael Mayne
The role of increased ryanodine receptors in Alzheimer’s disease



Dr. Janis Oram Cardy
University of Western Ontario
London, ON
Brain markers of auditory integration in autism spectrum and language disorders
Dr. Graziella Di Cristo
CHU Ste-Justine Hospital
Montreal, QC
Regulation of inhibitory circuit development in transgenic mouse model of Rett Syndrome
Dr. Evelyn Lambe
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Mechanisms of aberrant attention circuitry in a  mouse model of Fragile X mental retardation
Dr. Linda Mah
Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Toronto, ON
Neural substrates of emotional processing in mild cognitive impairment and late-life depression
Dr. Millan Patel
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Molecular and Phenotypic Characterization of a Novel Mental Retardation Syndrome

Graduate Students Awards

Hye Won Jeon
University of Toronto
Dr. Gerold Schmitt-Ulms
Characterization of distinct γ- secretase protein complexes involved in Alzheimer’s disease.
Kristen Klassen
University of Manitoba
Dr. Robert Kerr
American Sign Language as a Tool Successful  for Cognitive,  Linguistic, and Motor Development.
Sathyanath Rajasekharan
McGill University
Dr. Timothy Kennedy
A role for netrin-1 and DCC in oligodendrocyte and myelin pathogenesis, leading to behavioural dysfunction.
Grace Lee
University of British Columbia
Dr. Christopher Shaw
Sterol glucoside neurotoxicity in mSOD mice and the role of  progranulin in neuroprotection.



Dr. Nicole Caza
Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Comparative studies of medial temporal and frontal lobe functions in individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer type and Lewy Body disorders
Dr. Kurt Haas
University of British Columbia
Direct in vivo imaging of the effects of early-life seizures on brain circuit structure and function
Dr. Sébastien Hébert
Céntre de Recherche du CHUQ (CHUL)
The role of microRNAs in tau alternative splicing and sporadic tauopathies
Dr. Romina Mizrahi
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Mapping Neuro-Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease with [18F]-Feppa-A New Ligand for the Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor (PBR)

Graduate Students Awards

Ms. Marie-Christine Halle
Universite de Montreal
Dr. Guylaine Le Dorze
Elaboration d’un modele theorique de l’experience d’aider un proche aphasique a partir du point de vue de l’aidant
Ms. Ashleigh McLean
University of Ottawa
Steffany Bennett
Examining the role of Cx32 in demyelination following EAE disease induction, a model of Multiple Sclerosis
Mr. Neil Schwartz
McGill University
Dr. Edward Ruthazer
Neural activity regulates dendritic structure in vivo through regulation of NFAT
Ms. Gabrielle Young
The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Jacqueline Specht
The Impact of Assistive Technology on Self-Concept, Motivation and Academic Achievement



Dr. Armando Bertone
Hôpital Rivière-des-Prairies
Montreal, QC
Behavioral and physiological assessment of lateral neural interactions in autism
Dr. Danielle Andrade
Dr. David Cole
Dr. Miles Thompson
Dr. W. McIntyre Burnham
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto, ON
Candidate gene analysis of genes located within regions of chromosomes linked to Mabry Syndrome in patients/families (hyperphosphatasia with neurologic deficit and seizures – OMIM # 239300)
Dr. Mojgan Rastegar
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB
High Resolution Study of MeCP2 Isoforms in Neurons for Therapy Applications in Rett Syndrome
Dr. Mark Woodbury-Smith
Dr. Peter Szatmari
St. Joseph’s Healthcare
Hamilton, ON
Using Phenotypic Information to Identify Novel Pathogenic Alleles Overlapping Rare Inherited Copy Number Variants (CNVs) in Autism Spectrum Disorders



Dr. Richard Bazinet
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Protective effects of docosahexaenoic acid in a mouse model of neuroinflammation
Dr. Robert Cumming
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario
Evaluation of the neuroprotective effects of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-1 in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
Dr. Elsa Rossignol
Hôpital Ste. Justine
Montreal, Quebec
Genetics of Cryptogenic Infantile Spasms
Dr. Christine Till
York University
Toronto, Ontario
Structural and functional neuroimaging correlates of cognitive impairment in childhood-onset multiple sclerosis



Dr. Roberto Araya
Universite de Montreal
Montreal, QC
Role of dendritic spines in the processing, storage and integration of excitatory inputs on a murine model of Fragile-X mental retardation syndrome
Dr. Sarah Lippé
Dr. Anthony McIntosh
CHU Ste-Justine Hospital
Montreal, QC
Learning mechanisms in Fragile X syndrome patients
Dr. Hong-Shuo Sun
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Role of ion channels in neonatal hypoxic sichemic injury and cerebral palsy and its potential therapeutic application
Dr. Mark Woodbury-Smith
Dr. Peter Szatmari
Dr. Andrew Paterson
St. Joseph’s Healthcare
Hamilton, ON
Identifying Causes of Autism Spectrum disorder through Next-Generation Sequencing in combination with Genetic Linkage



Dr. Brian Chen
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Montreal, QC
The role of DSCAM in neural development 
Dr. Carl Ernst
Douglas Hospital
Montreal, QC
Chromatin modifiers in neurodevelopmental disorders
Dr. Karun Singh
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Investigating Wnt/GSK3 signaling in Autism spectrum disorders and novel therapeutic interventions
Dr. Marie-Eve Tremblay
CHU de Quebec
Montreal, QC
The roles of microglia-synapse interactions in Alzheimer’s disease



Dr. Karen Milligan
Ryerson University
Toronto, ON
Dr. Marjory Phillips
Dr. Sidney Segalowitz
Dr. Louis Schmidt
Using mindfulness to address cognitive processing and emotion regulation challenges in youth with learning disabilities 
Dr. Hideto Takahashi
Institut du recherche cliniques de Montreal
Montreal, QC
Functional Characterization of autism associated genetic mutations in the Cadm1-Mupp1 synaptic adhesion complex
Dr. Ryan van Lieshout
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON
Dr. Stephanie Atkinson
Dr. Michael Boyle
Dr. Alison Niccols
Dr. Louis Schmidt
Early Cognitive Development in the Offspring of Women Enrolled in a Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Effectiveness of a Nutrition + Exercise Intervention for Healthy Gestational Weight Gain
Dr. Alana Watt
McGill University
Montreal, QC
Alterations in GABA mediated early cerebellar activity in the Autistic brain



Dr. Mark Brandon
McGill University/Douglas Research Centre
Montreal, Quebec
Is the entorhinal navigational circuit disrupted in early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?
Dr. Viviane Labrie
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Toronto, Ontario
DNA-epigenetics interactions in the mechanism underlying Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia
Pannexin 1: role in neurodevelopmental disorders?
Dr. John Vessey
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
Investigating the Role of RNA Localization and Splicing in the Development of Autism Spectrum Disorder



Dr. Pushpal Desarkar
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Toronto, Ontario
Assessing and stabilizing neuroplasticity in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Dr. Julie Lefebvre
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario
The roles of autism-associated clustered Protocadherins genes in inhibitory circuitry development and dysfunction
Dr. Lisa Münter
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
Cellular effects of RHBDL4-generated APP fragments
Dr. Jing Wang
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ottawa, Ontario
Targeting the aPKC-CBP pathway in Alzheimer’s disease